Minimally invasive lateral transpsoas approach for lumbar corpectomy and stabilization.


Here, we present our experience with the minimally invasive (MI) transpsoas approach for lumbar corpectomy and stabilization. Transpsoas approach accesses the lumbar spine and includes both the direct lateral interbody fusion and extreme lateral interbody fusion techniques. Both procedures utilize a tubular retractor system which facilitates adequate retraction and direct visualization of the target, while supposedly reducing soft tissue trauma.

Case Description:

We evaluated two patients, one with a traumatic L2 wedge compression fracture and the other with an L3 pathological compression fracture due to multiple myeloma. Both patients underwent MI transpsoas lumbar corpectomy, anterior column reconstruction with an expandable cage, and posterior pedicle screw instrumentation to correct a kyphotic deformity. Both patients were mobilized on the 1st postoperative day and experienced significant postoperative pain relief.


In two cases involving L2 and L3 compression fractures, MI transpsoas lumbar corpectomy was safely performed, with reduced perioperative and postoperative morbidity. Here, the transpsoas approach also allowed for early mobilization, adequate postoperative biomechanical stability, and resulted in immediate good outcomes.

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