Many options currently exist for achieving lumbar fusion. A variety of techniques have been described. The challenge for spine surgeons is choosing which approach is ideal for the given circumstances, and to do this, a good understanding of the available evidence is necessary. The evidence regarding fusion approach, interbody cage utilization, bone grafting, biologics, and osteoporosis is reviewed.
Additional articles :
OLIF combined with anterior fixation for lumbar synovial cysts with instability: a case report.
A case control study of lumbar fusion surgery with the
Wiltse approach and the traditional approach
The Impact of Smoking in Workers' Compensation Patients
Receiving Spinal Cord Stimulation
Analysis of cell-free circulating DNA fragment size and
level in patients with lumbar canal stenosis
How Much Blood Loss Is Appropriate for a 2- to 3-Level
Posterior Lumbar Fusion?