Advanced-stage Wilms tumor arising in a horseshoe kidney of a 9-year-old child: a case report


Horseshoe kidney (HK) is one of the most common renal fusion abnormalities, with an incidence of 1:400 in the normal population. However, Wilms tumor (WT) arising in an HK is a rare occurrence. We report the case of a 9-year-old boy who presented with an advanced WT in an HK and also highlight the management challenges in a resource-poor setting such as ours.

Case presentation:

The patient was a 9-year-old Nigerian boy presented to the Pediatrics Outpatient Clinic of the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH) with a history of progressive abdominal swelling, weight loss, abdominal pain, and cough. Abdominal examination revealed an irregular, firm, and non-tender mass in the right lumbar region. A computed tomography (CT) scan of the abdomen showed a heterogeneously dense mass that was predominantly to the right side of the abdomen and crossed the midline to the left side, where it continued with the relatively normal renal tissue. Chest CT revealed pulmonary metastases. A diagnosis of WT in an HK was made. The patient had a 6-week course of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and a right nephrectomy and left partial nephrectomy was performed. The final histologic diagnosis of WT was made. Radiotherapy was intended but was not available in our facility, and the parents could not afford referral to another center.


Children with a clinically suspected HK with WT should undergo a careful imaging evaluation such as CT before any surgical intervention. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy to reduce tumor bulk might be a good treatment method to reduce surgical morbidity and aid in complete excision and potential for preserving renal function.


Horseshoe kidney; Management challenges; Resource-poor setting; Wilms tumor.

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