Complications, reoperations, readmissions, and length of hospital stay in 34 639 surgical cases of lumbar disc herniation.

The aims of this study were to determine the rates of surgical complications, reoperations, and readmissions following herniated lumbar disc surgery, and to investigate the impact of sociodemographic factors and…

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Small incision discectomy for lumbar disc herniation in 98 patients with 5-year follow-up: A retrospective case series study.

Optimal surgical technique to treat lumbar disc herniation (LDH) remains controversial. We described a small incision discectomy technique (SID), and to evaluate its safety and efficacy. A retrospective study involving…

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Full-endoscopic interlaminar discectomy for the treatment of a dorsal migrated thoracic disc herniation: Case report.

Thoracic disc herniation (TDH) is an infrequent spinal disease and difficult to treat well. Various surgical approaches and procedures were introduced in many literatures. The authors report a patient with…

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Incidence of dysphagia of zero-profile spacer versus cage-plate after anterior cervical discectomy and fusion: A meta-analysis.

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the rate of dysphagia between zero-profile spacer versus cage-plate for the treatment of multilevel cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM).

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