Osteomyelitis-Discitis at the Thoracolumbar Junction and the Development of Postinfectious Spinal Deformity: A Surgical Case Series


Progressive spinal deformity and neural compromise are the main indications for surgical management of vertebral osteomyelitis-discitis. However, when such pathology presents at the thoracolumbar (TL) junction, it remains unclear what the appropriate intervention is. The therapeutic dilemmas of decompression with or without instrumented fusion, the need for circumferential decompression and reconstruction, as well as the prognostic factors for progression of kyphosis, all remained ill-defined in the literature. The objective of this study is to evaluate risk factors for instrumentation at TL junction in spinal osteomyelitis-discitis.


A review of patients at a single center with osteomyelitis-discitis at the TL junction between 2014 and 2018 was performed. Patients were 18 years or older with infectious pathologies at T10 to L2.


Sixteen patients were included. Indication for instrumentation included progression of kyphosis following prior laminectomy/medical management. Of the 16 patients, 4 patients received laminectomy at initial treatment versus 12 patients receiving medical management alone. All 4 patients receiving laminectomy experienced progressive kyphosis requiring revision with instrumented fusion versus only 4 of 12 of the medically managed. Laminectomy, epidural compression, and vertebral body collapse were significant risk factors for kyphosis progression requiring instrumentation. The average time to surgical intervention for the indication of progressive kyphosis was 2.6 months after prior laminectomy and 6 months after initiation of medical management.


Given the proclivity for kyphotic deformity at the TL junction, patients may benefit from long segment instrumentation in addition to decompression at the initial surgery. Laminectomy alone may hasten kyphosis progression.


osteomyelitis; spinal deformity; spine fusion; thoraco-lumbar junction.

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