Prolonged length of stay and discharge disposition to rehabilitation facilities following single-level posterior lumbar interbody fusion for acquired spondylolisthesis


Acquired lumbar spondylolisthesis is often treated with interbody fusion. However, few studies have evaluated predictors for prolonged length of stay (LOS) and disposition to rehabilitation facilities after posterior single-level lumbar interbody fusion for acquired spondylolisthesis.


The American College of Surgeons National Quality Improvement Program database was queried for adults with acquired spondylolisthesis who underwent single-level lumbar interbody fusion through a posterior approach (posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) or transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion [TLIF]). We utilized multivariate logistic regression analysis to identify predictors of prolonged LOS and disposition in this patient population.


Among 2080 patients identified, 700 (33.7%) had a prolonged LOS (≥4 days), and 306 (14.7%) were discharged postoperatively to rehabilitation facilities. Predictors for prolonged LOS included: American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) class ≥3, anemia, prolonged operative time, perioperative blood transfusion, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and return to the operating room. The following risk factors predicted discharge to postoperative rehabilitation facilities: age ≥65 years, male sex, ASA class ≥3, modified frailty score ≥2, perioperative blood transfusion, and prolonged LOS.


Multiple partial-overlapping risk factors predicted prolonged LOS and discharge to rehabilitation facilities after single-level TLIF/PLIF performed for acquired spondylolisthesis.


Acquired spondylolisthesis; Discharge; Interbody fusion; Length of stay; Lumbar surgery.

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