Spinopelvic Adaptations in Standing and Sitting Positions in Patients With Adult Spinal Deformity

Purpose To describe spinopelvic adaptations in the standing and sitting positions in patients with adult spinal deformity (ASD). Methods Ninety-five patients with ASD and 32 controls completed health-related quality of life (HRQOL) questionnaires: short form 36 (SF36), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), and visual analog scale (VAS) for pain. They underwent biplanar radiography in both standing and sitting positions. Patients with ASD were divided into ASD-front (frontal deformity Cobb > 20°, n = 24), ASD-sag (sagittal vertical axis (SVA) > 50 mm, pelvic tilt (PT) > 25°, or pelvic incidence (PI)-lumbar lordosis (LL) > 10°, n = 40), and ASD-hyper thoracic kyphosis (TK >60°, n = 31) groups. Flexibility was defined as the difference (Δ) in radiographic parameters between the standing and sitting positions. The radiographic parameters were compared between the groups. Correlations between HRQOL scores were evaluated. Results All participants increased their SVA from standing to sitting (ΔSVA<0), except for patients with ASD-sag, who tended to decrease their SVA (78-62 mm) and maximize their pelvic retroversion (27-40° vs 10-34° in controls, p<0.001). They also showed reduced thoracic and lumbar flexibility (ΔLL = 3.4 vs 37.1°; ΔTK = -1.7 vs 9.4° in controls, p<0.001). ASD-hyperTK showed a decreased PT while sitting (28.9 vs 34.4° in controls, p<0.001); they tended to decrease their LL and TK but could not reach values for controls (ΔLL = 22.8 vs 37.1° and ΔTK = 5.2 vs 9.4°, p<0.001). The ASD-front had normal standing and sitting postures. ΔSVA and ΔLL were negatively correlated with the physical component scale (PCS of SF36) and ODI (r = -0.39 and r = -0.46, respectively). Conclusion Patients with ASD present with different spinopelvic postures and adaptations from standing to sitting positions, with those having sagittal malalignment most affected. In addition, changes in standing and sitting postures were related to HRQOL outcomes. Therefore, surgeons should consider patient sitting adaptations in surgical planning and spinal fusion. Future studies on ASD should evaluate whether physical therapy or spinal surgery can improve sitting posture and QOL, especially for those with high SVA or PT.


adult scoliosis; adult spinal deformity; gait analysis; quality-of-life; sitting; spine flexibility; standing.

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