The temporal and spatial expression of sclerostin and Wnt signaling factors during the maturation of posterolateral lumbar spine fusions


Hematoxylin and Eosin staining, A,C,E,G,I and Gomori’s trichrome, B,D,F,H,J of histologic specimens are shown. At early timepoints (weeks 1‐2), there was no evidence of graft consolidation, A,B. At the 3‐week timepoint, newly formed bone was obvious at the muscle‐ICBG interface in the Outer Zone, C,D. By 4 weeks, the bone marrow cavity of the TPs was continuous with that of new bone in the Outer Zone, with new membranous bone formation extending toward the Inner zone, E,F. At the 6‐week timepoint in fusions, the medullary canals of the two TPs were continuous with the fusion mass, which showed increased trabecular bone and marrow volume throughout, G,H. At 6 weeks in nonunions, however, there was evidence of well corticated bone in the IZ that did not have continuity of its medullary canal with adjacent bone, I,J. *Of note, the black bars indicate software artifact from image stitching. Scale bars: 10000 μm. IZ, inner zone; OZ, outer zone; TP, transverse process

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