Traumatic Bilateral L3-4 Facet Dislocation With Open Decompression and Short Segment Fusion

. 2021 Feb;14(s4):S21-S25.

doi: 10.14444/7160.

Epub 2021 Jan 18.


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Andrew Y Liu et al.

Int J Spine Surg.

2021 Feb.


Traumatic lumbar facet dislocations are exceedingly rare, with reported cases primarily involving the lumbosacral junction. This injury arises from very high flexion distraction forces imparted on the lumbar spine. Herein we describe a bilateral L3-4 facet dislocation, a particularly rare injury pattern, using a short-segment posterior decompression and fusion followed by an interbody fusion through a lateral approach. Our case involves a 24-year-old man who presented to the emergency department after a high-speed, head-on motor vehicle collision. He was a restrained passenger with no prior significant medical history. He was found to have multisystem injuries, the most notable a L3-4 bilateral lumbar facet dislocation. The patient was neurologically intact upon his presentation but developed radiculopathy several hours into his hospital admission. He was treated operatively through a posterior decompression and instrumented short-segment fusion as well as a subsequent interbody fusion through a lateral approach at the same level. Pure lumbar spine facet dislocations outside the lumbosacral junction, especially bilateral dislocations, are exceedingly rare and often result in neurological deficits. A literature review reveals only a few cases outside of Asia, all of which were treated with decompression and either short- or long-segment fusion. No accepted treatment algorithm for this injury has been established. Open treatment is almost always indicated. Decompression and short-segment fusion is a valid treatment option, but patient and injury characteristics must be considered on an individualized basis.Level of Evidence: 5.


lumbosacral traumatic dislocation; posterolateral fusion; posterolateral osteosynthesis; traumatic lumbosacral spondylolisthesis.

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