We aim to present the current evidence on various risk factors and surgical treatment modalities for recurrent lumbar disc herniation (rLDH). Using PubMed, a literature search was performed using the Mesh terms “recurrent disc prolapse,” “herniated lumbar disc,” “risk factors,” and “treatment.” Articles that were published between January 2010 and May 2017 were selected for further screening. A search conducted through PubMed identified 213 articles that met the initial screening criteria. Detailed analyses showed that 34 articles were eligible for inclusion in this review. Sixteen articles reported the risk factors associated with rLDH. Decompression alone as a treatment option was studied in seven articles, while 11 articles focused on different types of fusion surgery (anterior lumbar interbody fusion, posterior lumbar interbody fusion, open transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion [TLIF], and minimally invasive surgery-TLIF). Management of the rLDH requires consideration of the possible risk factors present in individual patients before primary and at the time of second surgery. Both, minimally invasive and conventional open procedures are comparably effective in relieving leg pain, and minimally invasive techniques offer advantage over the other technique in terms of tissue sparing. Non-fusion surgeries involve the risk of lumbar disc herniation re-recurrence, and the patient may require a third (fusion) surgery.
Risk Factors and Surgical Treatment for Recurrent Lumbar Disc Prolapse: A Review of the Literature.
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